Wednesday, November 10, 2010


       I love Halloween. There are so many things to like about it. I love the season that it is in. Autumn. I never knew that Fall could be so great. In madison, Autumn lasts for about a month maybe, and then it starts to snow. In Ohio, there is such a long beautiful Autumn. So, that is the first thing. Also, carving pumpkins is a super fun family and friends activity that I missed doing this year. I love classical Halloween movies such as; "Hocus Pocus," "Halloween Town," and "Casper The Friendly Ghost." I loved trick or treating as a kid. If I could still do it I would. My candy was always finished by the next week. For the first Halloween that i can remember, I was a vampire and the Cripple Creek Cloggers always had a clogging party. My brother, cousin and I went to it and danced the night away. I was only about 3 or 4 years old. I also remember in elementary school the 4th and 5th graders made haunted rooms for us to walk through. I remember walking through them and I also remember having to make them. In middle school we always went to Maple Bluff to trick or treat because that is where the rich people lived and they always gave out huge candy bars.


  1. i enjoyed reading your halloween reflection; i wish that you'd shared this in class. i like "hocus pocus" too, and "the nightmare before christmas," which is an odd mix of halloween and christmas. good blog.

  2. I agree i love halloween! It's so much fun! I love halloween town those are all great halloween movies, not too scary to watch when you are a little kid!
