Friday, October 15, 2010

T.V. Not Good For America?

        Every year America gets more and more dependent on technology, with cell phones tuning into mobile computers and computers being easy references for anything. I think if you typed anything at all into Google nowadays there would at least be one thing for you to look at.
         Television has been an entertainment center for years and years now. American relies on television to be there for them when they are bored. Children watch way too much television in America. That is why I believe one of the reasons why America is the number one obese country is because of the amount television we watch and the lack of activity that we do. Instead of going outside to play and and engaging in outside activities, children are often stuck inside with their eyes glued to the television. T.V. limits children's imaginations and creativity. Some people say well some shows are educational, well yes some are but when it comes down to it, most children don't want to watch educational shows and there aren't a lot to choose from if there are any on.
          People need to realize that there is so much more to do in life than sit in front of a T.V. and rot your brain. I bet with the hours spent watching T.V. instead of being active someone could have figured out a plan to stop world hunger or something like that. If American turned the T.V.s off everyone would have to figure out ways to get along without it being there. There wouldn't be an excessive amount of laying down for a lot of people anymore because they would get bored in their beds, so this would force them to get up and get active.

1 comment:

  1. i don't watch very much television, so i agree with most of what you have said. if something is on with some substance or depth to it, i will watch for eduational purposes, or maybe even entertainment, but i refuse to watch mindless reality shows. especially since a lot of it is scripted.
